Picture this – you’ve gone through your first phase of executing loops and setting a loop in, however, there’s no way for you to materialise your progress. Well, that’s where projects come in. Instead of spending your time accumulating bits and pieces; why not bring all that knowledge together into an easy-to-code, beginner friendly project?
That’s where we come in, we’ve jotted down a list of the best Python Projects suitable for beginners that you can code over a weekend.
Building projects helps in bringing together everything that you have learned. By only building projects you will gain confidence and really feel like making some progress.
The best way to learn anything is by doing it. Because It is crucial that you hit obstacles and deadlocks, meet with disappointments, and after meeting all the problems find solutions and smart ways to solve that problem.
Learning Python can be difficult and at the same time easy, everything depends on how you take up your learning strategy.
You might spend a lot of time watching videos and reading books; however, if you can’t put the concepts learned into practice, that time is wasted.
You can be spending a lot of time watching tutorials on YouTube or even reading books. But nothing is worth the time spent if you can’t put all the concepts into practice.
It is important to understand and realise that you will be building projects for your next job, therefore only building things will make you worthy of your next company.
But once you have decided that you can learn best only by doing things, there comes another problem. What to make? That is why I have compiled this list. In this article you will find interesting, practical yet doable projects in week time max.
1.Pdf To Audio Book Converter
In this project you can make an app that would convert pdf to Audio book. To create this app, you can use PyPDF2 and pyttx3. Both these libraries can be combined to create an app that would accept a pdf file, parse that pdf file, and after that convert it into audio file.
You can also use the text to speech converter library that is provided by google named gTTS. In your app you can add features like speed controlling, change the gender of the speaker and whatever your heart desires.
2. File Renaming Tool
For example if you have downloaded 500 images for a project and need to rename the files to the same name as the project name, doing this manually is insanely slow as well as daunting. Why not build an app that would do that for you!
The goal of this project would be to make a file renaming tool that would automate the daunting task of renaming files manually.
You can build a bulk file renaming tool that would take the file name and rename the bulk of files according to date(MM-DD-YY) or maybe according to an increasing number starting from 1 and going till maybe 1000. The choices are endless here.
To achieve this, you can use OS module that is built into Python. The OS module allows you to interact with your operating system and make changes using Python code.
In the OS module, you can use os.rename() function, which takes the old file name and new name as arguments. For example os.rename(autumn.png, picture_for_album1.png). Easy right!
You can further add various features into it, for eg, you can make a GUI interface for it, or write code for an app that would create new directories and move the files in folders that are sorted according to their file types.For eg all the exe or png files will be moved into a particular folder.
3. Birthday Wisher
We are all so busy with our work and hectic schedules that we often forget to wish our friend’s on their birthdays. Or even when we remember, it has been past days.
To overcome our shortcomings, we can use Python to build an app that would send mail to our friend on their birthday, exactly at 12:00 AM. How cool would that be?
You can host your python file on cloud servers like repel.it with always on feature, with that your script will always be running.
For this app you will need a smtplib and email library. Smtplib for connecting with gmail and email library to send the emails.
With this, you can overcome the forgetfulness and amaze your friends on their special days. Thanks to Python!
4. Password generator
Creating and remembering strong passwords, that includes numbers, letters and special characters is close to impossible.
Only a handful of people would remember password such as wsdaf2#^(sda12 and I don’t know who would remember hundreds of these.
Therefore people use paid apps to store their passwords. But you can build your own password generator app.
In this project, you can create a password generator that would generate a strong password and then save it in a txt or excel file.
You can add additional features such as changing the length of password, stuffing a particular keyword into the password, or even create a beautiful looking gui interface to generate, store and display the passwords.
5. Scrape Sports Data
If you are a sports fan, for eg Football or Cricket and chances are that to stay updated, you might be visiting a website.
Why don’t we create your own app that would send notification of match results automatically.
Or you can even do analytics on the data you have scrapped. Find insightful things about your favourite team.
To scrap a website, you can use a classical beautiful soup library, or a more powerful selenium library. The only downside of beautiful soup is that it can scrape data that has javascript built into it.
After you have scraped data, you can use the pandas library to create meaningful insights from that data.
6. Scrap a shopping website:
We all love to get discounts on things that we want to buy.. But often there are no discount offers available generally but are offered for a very short period of time. Or often when some particular company starts to give a cut off in their product prices, we have no idea about it..
Therefore, in this app we would create a price drop notification app.
The purpose of this app is to send us a notification whenever a particular item gets a discount price.
This app would regularly scrap a particular website for the given product, whenever it detects any change of price, it sends us a message. Simple!
With this project you can build an amazon or ebay price drop alert.
To accomplish this task, you can use scrappy, beautiful soup or selenium. But I would recommend using selenium as there might be javascript code, and beautifulsoup cannot handle javascript code.
This project does not necessarily need to be limited to just the price of products. You can apply this same pricincipe to achieve something like stock prices alert, cryptocurrency alert or notify on restocking of the things that you are waiting for!
7. GUI building
Python is a very versatile language, in which you can do literally anything. And with that said, you can also use Python to build a graphical interface for your app. Some of the simple interfaces you can make are:
- A simple calculator like BMI Calculator
- Currency converter
And not limited to your PC, you can also use the Python library called Kivy to create interfaces for your Android or iOS mobile phones.
To create simple graphical interfaces, you can use the most popular library in Python, the tkinter library.
With that you can shift from terminal data inputs to graphical interfaces, in which you can change inputs, get outputs, all in a separate graphical interface window.
You can also create a graphical interface for all the projects mentioned in this post. For example, you can make a graphical interface for a bulk file renaming tool, an interface for a password generator tool.
In this blog post, we learned that the best way to learn to code is by doing, and making projects is the best you can do.
We saw some the interesting yet easy to do projects, that can be finished in a weekend. With this comes the end of the article.
Thank you for sticking till the end, and please let us know which was your favourite and you enjoyed doing.